My Story

Katrin Lucas

Hello and welcome to my webpage. My name is Katrin and I am happy to meet You here.

My story started in my early twenties, which is now two decades ago. I had a very complicated youth as far as I can remember. My relationship with my mother and my stepfather was full of conflicts and so I decided to leave home at the age of 15. I went into a relationship with a man, that was 10 years older than me. Our relationship lasted also on and off for 10 years and was full of emotional and physical violence. To numb my pain, I turned to sex, drugs and alcohol. But life has a way of teaching us the lessons we need along the way, so when I was around 20, one of my best friends died in a car accident. And the truth was, that I was supposed to be in that car. That event made me look different on life and I gave up alcohol and drugs for a while. At the time I studied law in a private university in Estonia and graduated in a with a master’s degree in law. I worked as a lawyer/consultant in business law up to my thirties.

My relationship with my parents started getting better over the years, as I was not living at home and at one point they embarked on a journey of self-development and I joined them. That was the start of my spiritual journey. Along the way I learned how much our mindset and our programs create our lives and understood the power of our subconscious mind. It took me still many years to start understanding that everything in this world is energy.

My next big shift happened, when I broke up with the father of my two children, when I was at the age of 31. I then found the path to yoga and tantra. I quit my job as a lawyer and traveled to Thailand with my kids, to become a yoga teacher and a few years after that also a tantra teacher. This has been a path, that I have been on, for the last 13 years.

But as I was constantly working on myself, then along the way, my consciousness started to expand and I started seeing another layer to this whole reality. The world beyond, that is not visible to the eye. I started to realize how much deception and illusion is in the spiritual world and how much toxicity is between students and teachers. I saw the traps we fall into, in the spiritual world and my wish to understand everything even more deeper just started to grow. I wanted to be truly free, inside and out. And each day I still walk that path, and each day I get a little bit closer, to what I call freedom.

My biggest teachers have been my relationships. Each and everyone of them has helped me experience myself and all my beautiful and all my unhealed parts. They have also taught me how to love myself and what self-worth means.

I truly started seeing, why we attract the partners that we do and how each pattern we carry keeps repeating itself, til we fully change it. So when I was 34, I got to a place in my life, with a man I was married to at the time, where I felt that, better and horrible ending, than and endless horror. So on the date of our 3rd wedding anniversary, I stood up in the restaurant and decided, that I deserve better. That decision, took me on another 4 years of the deepest work I ever did on myself. It was also a fully new beginning for me. At the end of the 4 year period, I got my kids back from their father and I met a man that I am married with today and we have a beautiful little daughter together. Those 4 years, were the most important ones in my life, because the first time ever, I had courage to face my fears, to be alone and fully commit to myself.

My little daughter has taught me, what it really means to be a mother and how to fully and selflessly commit to a child. I longed for a conscious way of being a mother for one more time and correct all the mistakes I did with my first two kids.

My self-development path has allowed me to make huge changes in my life. I have gotten rid of jealousy, overflowing emotionality, need for drama, co-dependency, and constant fighting within a relationship. Alcohol and drugs are so far in the past, that I can’t even remember anymore, what they felt like. I feel happy and content in my every day life. I keep striving for even better and I thank my husband that he still helps me to see the parts, that haven’t been healed yet.
I believe that our path of self-development never ends. There is always something that we can work on. I know I still do. But life doesn’t have to be just about healing and working on yourself all the time. It is also about enjoying life.

I feel that our reality is the projection of our subconscious to the movee-screen that is our life. And each person and situation helps us to experience ourselves and see and feel what we carry deep inside. The way to make changes in our live and create a life where we feel happy and content, we must change the programs inside, that keep us, from what we desire.

I feel, I have come a long way in this life and learned a lot and seen a lot and experienced a lot. If anything that I wrote resonates with You and You also feel, that You would like to create a life for yourself, where you are happy and healthy most of the time, then I am happy to be your guide on this journey.

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